School Meals

All meals must be pre-booked by parents/Carers, via ParentPay. All school meals will be paid for in advance through the booking system. You need to have booked by Wednesday evening at 9pm for the upcoming week, or you will need to provide a home packed lunch.

Children in Year R, 1 or 2: all children are entitled to Universal Free School Meals – there will be no payment added on Parent Pay, just choose your meal option. There is no need to book anything if you are giving your child a packed lunch.

In class the children will tell their teachers if they are having a hot dinner, or packed lunch.

Please contact school office if you do not have your login.


Please use the link below if you need any further information.

Hot school meals are available for children in Key Stage 2, at a cost of £2.60 per day.

You may be eligible for free school meals. To be eligible, you must be receiving one of the following:
  • Income support or income-based Job Seekers Allowance;
  • Child Tax Credit with an annual taxable income of less than £16,190 (provided you are not also entitled to Working Tax Credit)
  • Pension Guarantee Credit;
  • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance;
  • Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999

Parents and Guardians can check their eligibility online via the link below. A Certificate of Eligibility is available through the website for any child eligible for a free school meal attending the school. This Certificate of Eligibility should be taken to the school, along with any supporting evidence, and the school will register your claim for  Free School Meals. 



Apply Online for Free School Meals

Spring 24 menu Week 1-3 attain.pdf