
The main rationale of mathematics mastery is ‘everyone can’, regardless of their starting point, given quality teaching and opportunities in learning. We feel the key to success is focusing on developing a secure, deep and long term understanding whilst continually repeating key basic skills that are utilised throughout. To provide all children with the best chance of mastering mathematics, learning is developed through a range of fluency practise, reasoning, problem solving, investigations and working on mathematical concepts in many variations. All mathematical concepts will be explored with a Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract approach, regardless of age or stage of mathematical development. If a pupil fails to grasp a concept or procedure, this is identified quickly and early intervention ensures the pupil is ready to move forward with the whole class in the next lesson.
We teach a mastery programme where knowledge, concepts, vocabulary and procedures are encountered in a carefully planned progression. We aim to develop a deep understanding of mathematical concepts and a secure understanding of a range of skills and strategies. Children are supported to apply their knowledge and understanding of skills and concepts in a range of situations, including across the curriculum.
The pedagogical approach at our academy is aimed at fostering an enjoyment of mathematics and developing ambitious learners who are resilient and independent in their approach to mathematics. We also believe that maths should be viewed as a collaborative subject with a shared pupil responsibility for
We will:
  • Teach using a mastery approach to enable all children to make progress and achieve well
  • Develop mathematical understanding and learning through collaborative learning
  • Hold high expectations for all learners and encourage ambitious and aspirational thinking
  • Equip all learners with mathematical skills they can use in their future